Doctor Who, 2022-2023

Warning! If you’ve managed to avoid the Jodie Whittaker finale before you read this, there will be spoilers.

Most of you will have encountered the regeneration twist at the end by now. Prior to this, the only thing we knew for sure was that The Doctor would, once again, be male. Did anyone see this coming? Are we all happy about it? You bet! Nothing against a female Doctor per se but Jodie didn’t cut it for me.

Companions Anonymous

Prior to the regeneration, though, there was a gathering of ‘Companions Anonymous’ (which should have happened sooner, sometime after the Tom Baker era but definitely by the time Chris Ecclestone became The Doctor) as many of the actors have met at various comicons and know each other quite well.

Personally, I don’t remember the oldest cast member, William Russell, who played Ian Chesterton in the original Doctor Who cast in 1963, a whole generation before most Whovians were born. He’s looking incredible for someone who will be 98 next month. Other characters (who my parents recognised) were Ace and Tegan, featured throughout the 90 minute episode, plus Jo Grant and Mel (played by Bonnie Langford who is rumoured for another return – and who I saw in a Spamalot play years ago). Then M&D proceeded to list others from the ‘Classic Series’ who were not present (yet?): Peri, Leela, Romana, Jamie and so on. Sadly, not Sarah-Jane, played by the late Elisabeth Sladen and amongst the most famous as she had her own spin-off show and also re-appeared in more recent episodes of Doctor Who. And I’m sure we were all sad that Bernard Cribbins, also in his 90s, died earlier this year.

I’m looking forward to the next three specials to see who else they have lined up for us. David Tennant, obviously, Paul McGann and… Neil Patrick Harris? Can’t wait!

p.s. Where is K9 these days?